Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Phone calling cards scam?

I brough a calling card today, I was told I had 150 mintues to my desire country. However, after approximately 25 mins the card was gone, credit run out. I called the customer service and was asled to call back after 6 hours, I followed their guidelines. After six hours I was told they don't know why it went off after 20 mins and they further refused to compensate me or even apologise for their misleading advert or info. Who and where do I report them to? Should I publish their name and telephone number on the internet?

Phone calling cards scam?
yes, and those scammers are right here on yahoo!!!
Reply:25 minutes vs 150 minutes.... That’s too much! Certainly you must publish their name on the net. The web must know the “heroes”. International Phone Card Review
Reply:yes,phone card are really scam.i stopped using them 3 years ago.If you have BT land line it is cheaper to call a country using special number before dialling your destination, calls to most countries cost as little as half pence a minute.For more info. and special numbers try this;

Reply:Most calling cards have hidden charges per call, or per day. I use the AT%26amp;T calling card. No problems, ever!! 3 cents a minute, no other charges. Stick with a solid, known company, or you are in for some surprises. I get them at Target, no giving out any info with internet acquired cards!! Good customer support.

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